Services and Projects...
Acquisitions and Joint Ventures
Utilising extensive property experience, technical expertise and industry networks, DPG identify and provide structure to individual projects as well as source suitable joint venture partners to add value where needed. We assess the acquisition of the best projects through risk identification, competitor anaylsis, market demand, forecasting, realisation of project targets, and overall viability through:
- Pre-purchase technical due diligence: planning controls, legal issues, site dynamics, build-ability, heritage, environmental / land contamination and BCA reviews.
- Highest and Best Use assessment and site development potential
- Review market supply and demand factors, sales/leasing evidence and identify risk, threats and opportunities to determine project feasibility.
- Devise business plans to reflect all management aspects and feasibility for project success.
Property Development
Development Management of projects is a key focus of Devroc Property Group. The ultimate success of a project is achieved by navigating and adapting to constantly changing planning regulations and the financial environment whilst still assessing ongoing value creation opportunities throughout the entire development cycle in response to current market demand via:
- Assessment of structured finance options including alignment of project partners, equity investment, and the preparation of finance application packages
- Selection / appointment / management of the professional consultant team
- Design concept and feasibility analysis, sensitivity and forecast modelling
- Design development strategy to meet market demand as well as prepare alternative strategies
- Liaision with local planning authorities regarding development controls and constraints and negotiating the best outcomes by coordinating and driving the development approval, rezoning or change of use process to achieve appropriate land use.
- Managment of the DA submission process and motivate for early approval
Project Management
Targets are achieved through rigorous ‘hands-on’ management and attention to detail combined with continual client liaison and communication. Results are achieved by devising and implementing strategies and diligent execution of the action plan by:
- Devising and implementation of project delivery programmes balancing time and budget constraints.
- Preparation of tender packages and manage competitive or negotiated tender process.
- Implementing, managing, monitoring and maximising marketing strategy and sales team performance including pre-commitment and presales.